Allied Lifts awarded NHS Shared Business Services

Allied Lifts achieve 100% in NHS Shared Business Services Framework Success.  


Allied Lift have recently been successful in obtaining a position on the NHS Shared Business Services Ltd works with its Approved Organisations on the purchase of goods and services, with its primary aim being to work collaboratively with those Approved Organisations who specify the products or services which are appropriate for their requirements.

With stringent requirements and completing a detailed tender submission, it’s with great delight that we achieved 100% across the framework submission. We are now 1 of only 3 lift companies within the UK to be successful in achieving NHS Shared Business Service Framework success and the only Lift company to obtain full marks.

The objective of the framework is to implement a contractual vehicle to facilitate the procurement of quality, value for money products or services by Approved Organisations.

NHS SBS has a track record of running successful collaborative procurement exercises and it is very much envisaged that the new Framework Agreement will become the vehicle through which a large proportion of goods and services are procured by Approved Organisations.