Passenger Release Training
Passenger Release Training
Passenger Release Training is invaluable to our current customers, on site trained operatives allow immediate response times to ensure your lift passengers are safely released immediately, reducing their stressful experience.
Our training is delivered by our highly trained engineers with many years’ experience within the lift industry. They have worked and trained on all matter of lifting equipment ensuring they can deliver and adapt each training programme to suit our customer’s needs and site requirements.
The HSE states BS 7255.2012 as the approved code of practice that contains the recommendations/requirements relevant to emergency release procedures and provisions. This goes towards satisfying your obligations under the Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) – carried out by competent persons.
The above will allow customers delegates to prove competence in the new acquired skills. Upon completion all delegates shall receive certification approving them competent in the safe release of passengers on the specific lifts, which is inclusive of a pre-visit risk assessment.
Trapped passenger conundrums – the answer is here.

Parallax Maintanance

What do our experts say?

What do our experts say?
Training of your site operative is invaluable when dealing with a trapped passenger. Despite our minimum response times, our customers have found this vital to the running of their buildings especially our NHS customers.
Laura Monks
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